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The 科切拉谷地's string of cities from Indio to Desert Hot Springs offer surprising diversions for locals and seasoned travelers

Like those Canadian snowbirds, you're no stranger to the 科切拉谷地 and 棕榈泉. You're well-schooled in four-hour brunches and midcentury-modern furniture. You've watched plenty of tennis tournaments and music festivals, even attended a polo match. You've swam in dozens of sparkling pools and sipped tiki cocktails under swaying fan palms.

但你和风车自拍过吗? 乘着骡子拉的马车穿过沙漠? 尝到了黑金枣的味道? 天黑后打高尔夫球? 如果你还没有,现在是时候了. 大棕榈泉 is loaded with off-the-radar discoveries to rescue you from "been-there, done-that" doldrums. Here are 13 great options to lure you out of the pool.


还记得航空旅行吗?? 对,很有趣. Relive the joy at Palm Spring's aviation-themed speakeasy, PS空气棒, 在那里你可以坐在头等舱的座位上, 收回扶手, and eat dinner at a table that resembles an airplane wing. 塞进 Bouschet 市场和小酒馆, 这个夜总会看起来就像737的客舱, 但随着食物的重大升级, drinks, 还有情绪照明.

Indio GC的灯光,Indio

白天打球太热了? 打高尔夫球到晚上10点.m. at 印第欧的灯光, the 科切拉谷地's only night-lighted course. 3杆的成绩在纸面上听起来很容易, 但有七个洞的长度超过160码, 你将面临比你想象中更多的挑战.


不管你住在加州的哪个地方, you can create a fabulous drought-smart garden by planting cactus and succulents. Shop for these sometimes spiny (but always beautiful) plants at 马绍尔仙人掌和多肉植物, 有一排排龙舌兰的室外苗圃, aloes, echeverias, 大戟属植物, 仙人掌属植物, 甚至还有双龙.


这种融合网球的爱好者, 羽毛球, and ping-pong don’t have to look far to play their new favorite sport in 大棕榈泉. 那里有一些很棒的球场 拉昆塔度假村 & Club, the 威斯汀观澜高尔夫度假村 & Spa, 棕榈沙漠度假村乡村俱乐部 (通过 陷入困境的网球), and 印第安维尔斯. 想要一个气候可控的体验,退房吧 腌制的酒吧, an indoor pickleball club where you can also grab a drink.


A close-to-home getaway might be just the right ticket during this challenging year. 逃离经典的棕榈泉风格 猴子树酒店, a 1960 Albert Frey design that oozes old Hollywood vibes. A-listers who've stayed here include Lucille Ball, the Beatles, and President John F. Kennedy (accompanied by Marilyn Monroe, according to legend). Ask if you can peek into the Jungle Room to see the macramé owls—they're a hoot.


隐藏在兰乔米拉奇的中庭购物中心是时髦的 牧场Relaxo, a retail shop featuring a clever selection of clothes, 配件, 和古玩, 大部分都是由美国工匠手工制作的. Browse an eclectic trove of Yunizon's perfect-fit sunglasses, Compendium的创意期刊, 康威电气别致的延长线, 以及埃里克·贾维茨的可持续太阳帽.


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科切拉谷的居民很喜欢吃早午餐, 非常认真, 他们早上的新热点是拉昆塔餐厅 Chúla工匠餐厅. 大厨凯瑟琳·冈萨雷斯做了一道超级本地菜, farm-to-table spin on her mother's traditional recipes for tamales, 鸡、, 还有墨西哥玉米煎饼. 只要你还在放纵, her oh-so-pretty cupcakes and pastries are Instagram darlings—and delicious.


在历史悠久的市中心科切拉, vivid large-scale paintings celebrate the life and struggles of Mexican immigrant farmworkers. The 科切拉墙壁壁画项目 features 13 life-size works by local and international street artists, 最引人注目的是1,000-foot-long mural depicting the history of Chicano culture. 走到林荫巷,你不会错过的. 在市中心时,在 哈利斯科餐厅 用来做墨西哥卷饼或玉米饼.


Chewy, sticky, yummy dates pair with everything—wrap them in bacon, 把它们切成沙拉, 用山羊奶酪填满它们, 把它们放在冰淇淋上食用. 山姆·科布农场 在天空谷种植了七种枣子品种, 包括Medjool, Barhi, 皇后, 他的专长, 精致甜美的黑金. Buy Cobb's dates online now, then in October, sign up for a date farm tour with Sam himself.


Even for people who flunked out of art history, Palm Desert's CODA画廊 是一种快乐、朴实的体验吗. Named one of the nation's 25 best galleries and museums in the 2020 American Art Awards, this El Paseo landmark sells refreshingly accessible art, from vibrantly colorful pop-art paintings to kinetic wind sculptures to whimsical glass animal sculptures.


Crunchy-sweet Brandini太妃糖 has been lauded on the Food Network and such programs such as 《bbin游戏官网》 并为奥巴马总统服务. The confection company was founded in 2006 by two La Quinta high school kids, and now Brandini's almond toffee and toffee popcorn have garnered a huge fan base. Try a sample at Brandini stores in 棕榈泉 or Rancho Mirage.


Recharge your Western spirit as you ride through the 30,000-acre 科切拉谷地 Preserve in a 骡子拉的有篷马车. A seasoned mule-skinner drives a pair of mules through palm oases and along sandy washes and rugged hills while you sit in a comfy open-air wagon and watch the sun set. 乘车后, listen to live cowboy music and enjoy a chuck-wagon barbecue and campfire marshmallow roast.


There's nothing like a spa day to ease the searing heat of the desert. Make reservations for a foot massage or Moroccan clay body treatment at 摩洛哥酒店和水疗中心. Then spend a luxurious day savoring the boutique resort's mineral pools, 干式桑拿, 以及卡萨布兰卡风格的天篷和吊床. 更好的是,在13间客房中的一间过夜.


You've seen that giant windmill farm near Desert Hot Springs a million times, 但你对它到底了解多少呢? 花90分钟 自驾游 并了解风车是如何工作的, 为什么在圣戈尼奥山口有这么多, 以及它们产生了多少电力. Guide Randy Buckmaster narrates the digital audio tour.


这种融合网球的爱好者, 羽毛球, and ping-pong don’t have to look far to play their new favorite sport in 大棕榈泉. 那里有一些很棒的球场 拉昆塔度假村 & Club, the 威斯汀观澜高尔夫度假村 & Spa, 棕榈沙漠度假村乡村俱乐部 (通过 陷入困境的网球), and 印第安维尔斯. 想要一个气候可控的体验,退房吧 腌制的酒吧, an indoor pickleball club where you can also grab a drink.

在你探索之前,一定要访问bbin游戏官网的 负责任的旅游枢纽,包括乐于助人 旅游信息更新.


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